Pryon for Defense and Intelligence

Introduce secure, innovative generative AI solutions that rapidly source trusted answers from authoritative content.

Chatbots and other solutions built using Pryon RAG Suite can help employees and service members quickly sift through critical SOPs in the field and efficiently access and summarize lessons learned.

Pryon in Action

Government agencies that trust Pryon to help address some of their most pressing content challenges include:
Seal of the United States Intelligence Committee


AI-Assisted Action Officer

Senior leaders need the right information fast when making critical decisions. Pryon’s world-class retrieval engine helps intelligence analysts deliver accurate, succinct, and timely answers sourced from authoritative documents to inform these important decisions. Rather than getting bogged down by analysis paralysis or searching through siloed data sources, senior leaders can leverage Pryon’s Retrieval-as-a-Service to get accurate, trustworthy information quickly.


AI-Powered Retrieval of Lessons Learned

When every second counts, gains in efficiency and effectiveness can make a massive difference. Pryon RAG Suite can help agencies use AI-enabled chatbots and other GenAI applications to quickly access, summarize, and disseminate lessons learned. Democratizing access to this kind of knowledge can make it easier for people across different teams and departments to collaborate on shared missions.


Policies and Procedures Answer Engine

Even when addressing point issues, government employees and service members frequently need to reference long, often verbose documents, such as equipment manuals, policies, and procedures. Pryon Ingestion Engine and Pryon Retrieval Engine can be paired with generative LLMs to give staff members an easy way to get key insights from these documents using natural language. For instance, an airman can ask a Pryon-powered chatbot, “What should I do if my navigation system isn’t providing accurate guidance?” and get an instant answer from the right manual.


Why Pryon

Pryon offers a trusted, safe, and proven path for implementing generative AI at enterprise scale.

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